الكترونيات 1 - ELECTRONICS I

المقررات / الكترونيات 1 - ELECTRONICS I
رمز المقرر:
PHYS 3217
اسم المقرر:
الكترونيات 1 - ELECTRONICS I
:المعتمدة الساعات
المتطلبات السابقة:
فيزياء عامة 2 ( فيز 3212 ) - General Physics II ( PHYS 3212 )

عن المقرر

Analyses of AC circuit; Elements of AC circuits and their components; Representing voltage & currents through the concept of phasors; methods of solving electrical circuits using Thevenin and Norton theorem, Diodes & rectification of AC voltages, Smoothing circuits, power supplies, Transistors, biasing and circuit configurations and transistor with small signal model.

الكتب المقررة:

Main Textbook: • Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles, Third Edition by: Christopher R Robertson, Newnes (Elsevier), 2008. Subsidiary Books: • Basic electronics, solid state by: B. L. Theraja (1997). • A text book of electronics by: L. S. Kakani et. al. (1991). • Electrical circuit analysis by: Taberad Sigals (1980).